What is Administrative Management Theory?

 As part of the Administrative Theory, a concept known as departmentalization is advocated. The many actions that must be carried out to achieve a common goal of the organization are recognized and grouped into separate groups or departments.

Many students have the first question in their minds: what is Administrative Management Theory, and who gave it. Henri Fayol's administrative theory emphasizes the importance of organizational management and the role of human and behavioural elements in the administration of organizations. To put it another way, instead of focusing on increasing worker productivity and decreasing task duration as per Taylor's scientific management theory, the emphasis is on how an organization's leadership and its employees are organized to do the assigned tasks.

14 Principles of Administrative Management Theory by Fayol

AccordinG to Fayolism The following is an overview of these principles:

Division of Labor- 

Specialization is possible because of the division of work in an organization. A person's production may be improved by honing their skills in certain activities.


Managers should have the ability to give orders, but they also must guarantee that the task is completed.

Unity of Command-

 It's best if there is just one supervisor from whom a worker gets orders.

Unity of Direction- 

The actions of each group or department are coordinated under a single plan. A single supervisor should be in charge of all of the company's activities.


The chain of command has to be very clear. " Subordinates must submit to their superiors without question. Organizational norms and regulations must be enforced via punishment.

Subordination of Individual Interest- 

Individuals' needs is overshadowed by the needs of the organization as a whole, whether it be a department or a firm.


Workers' performance is encouraged by a variety of forms of compensation. Financial and non-financial compensation are both acceptable sources of remuneration.


There must be either central or decentralized decision-making based on the features of the company and employee ability.

Administrative Management Theory

Line of Authority-

Workers should report to managers rather than vice versa to maintain a clear line of authority. At each level of the organization's structure, the level of authority increases. Throughout the whole process, it is important to understand the organizational structure.


Rules and standards must be established for the working environment and work obligations. Coordination is enhanced in a secure and orderly workplace.


There must be a sense of justice in how the company is administered. Kindness and fairness should go hand in hand when dealing with employees.

Stability of Tenure- 

Low employee churn is essential for businesses. This gives workers the opportunity to learn their tasks, enhance their talents, and build loyalty.


Managers should encourage initiative among their staff by giving them the freedom to develop and execute their own initiatives.

Esprit de Corps-

 It is important to develop a feeling of belonging inside the organization, which in turn fosters a sense of togetherness and morality.

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